Our 'ON THE SPOT ' interview series highlights individuals throughout the creative community for their contributions to art and culture. Putting these artists "on the spot" we created a space where creatives and innovators tap into the conversation to uplift and continue to inspire the creative community. Next up is...Rubi Rockafella.

First-generation Jamaican-American artist Rubi Rockafella has been dreaming big since she was a kid. Known for always bending the rules and truly being herself Rubi is the kind of artist that's not afraid to express herself "Self-expression is the most freeing thing you can experience in life, and I'm on a journey to show the world who I am through my art."
What's the best thing you've done, simply because you were told you can't?
Starting Clothing Line/Business. I've often been told that "I'm too nice" for the industry but honestly my personality is the number one thing getting me through! I think you do have to be confident and sometimes even a little tough but kindness always carries.
What are you manifesting in 2023?
I'm manifesting Peace, Growth, and Success but also Fun and Freedom, I want to be able to look back and think "damn, I had fun"
If you could build your dream creative team who would it be?
Definitely, @Mindofjr on IG as my Photographer, My sister Suzette as my makeup and hair, Thierry Mugler/Rihanna as mentors, and genuinely my friends and family as everything else, the most talented people I know truly.

What have you grown to love and/or outgrown in the past year?
I've grown to love myself, and as cliché, as it sounds I really have a newfound love for myself and my creativity overall, I have outgrown caring what people think, FINALLY. the most freeing thing I've ever done,
How do you feel about this statement: "Black Artists Matter"...
The world would be nothing without Black Artists.
What creative source or outlet do you often visit to get inspiration and renew your creativity?
Everything is an inspiration for me, Pinterest, my favorite Instagram pages, nature and buildings, and old magazines truly I find the art in everything.
What are you unapologetic for?
Being me as a whole, I'm unapologetically me and that's what makes a great artist.
Have you ever had a "this can't be happening" moment? Tell us more about this experience.
Man oh man, During my first fashion show, it was definitely an out-of-body experience. I couldn't believe the thing I had been waiting for my whole life to happen was actually happening, I hope for more of these experiences in the near future.
If you were to throw a message bottle into the ocean, what would it say?
Don't take life for granted...Also please recycle this bottle lol.

Photo Credit:
Red Stance, shot by @Mindofjr styled by Rubi Rockafella
Fahsion Show, shot by @mknoxmedia designed by Rubi Rockafella
Follow Rubi Rockafella on Social Media